The Cooper Capers

The life and love of me and my family

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Grandma and her little ladies!

I grew up in a family surrounded with girls. Since my three sisters and I got married and started our own families the numbers have drastically swung in favor of the fella's. Out of 12 grand kids only two of them are girls. Here is a new photo of my mom and her two grand daughters. We haven't taken one since Carly was about 14 months old and Janae was about 7 when we went to Arches. This was taken at Great Grandma Wilson's funeral. We were all dressed up and cute so i took a couple of snapshots for the posterity, or my mom's wall and my scrapbook for now.

1 comment:

Heidi #1 said...

Grandma and her little ladies only applies to Carly! Janae appears to be taller than Grandma...not so little anymore. "tear"
