The Cooper Capers

The life and love of me and my family

Friday, February 26, 2010

...And Again!!

Then it was Gus's birthday! He wanted a Bob the Blob cake and I tried my hand at homemade marshmallow fondant. It turned out super! Being that it was still only a few weeks after Max's birthday and the memory was still so fresh, he also wanted to go to Chuck-E-Cheese. So, off we went for some more game playing, ride riding, ticket winning, prize pickin' fun! Joey said on the way home, "Can we please, never go there again!" Don't worry, we will! I think Gus had fun, and we ended up with a cup full of tokens because we invited a family in the ward to come with us and they called after we bought the tokens for them and said they couldn't make it, so we will be going back to use those tokens. Here's some shots of the fun!


Carina said...

Great job on the cake!! I love it!! Does the marshmnellow fondont taste better?

Heidi #1 said...

Super cute cake! I want one for my birthday. I love Bob! Happy birthday Gus! I feel very neglectful this year. I haven't been present for any birthdays at your house.
