The Cooper Capers

The life and love of me and my family

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Another Milestone at the Cooper's

So last week I took Gus and Leo in to the doctors for their check-ups. Leo weighed in at exactly 20.2 pounds and for all of you out there who have had a one year old you know what that means...I have no more need for this old rear facing car seat! Yeah! Everyone say goodbye to the baby seat. It is now officially past the expiration date and will be going directly in the garbage can! Hello captain chair! See how much happier he is. Just one more reason it's great to be the baby. Every milestone is a party because mom know's it's the last time she's going to have to do it!


Brandon and Julie said...

big boy, love gus' cheesers

Heidi #1 said...

This is truly a love hate moment. Your baby is growing up, but hey...your baby is growing up!!YEAH!!
